Hi, I am Melissa

I support women to clear their money blocks and become empowered and in control with managing their money, so they can live a life of ease and grace.

Melissa Meagher

Hi, I am Melissa

I support women to clear their money blocks and become empowered and in control with managing their money, so they can live a life of ease and grace.

“Knowing where your money goes gives you freedom and choice around where you want it to go”

What would life be like if you weren’t stressed about money?

Imagine for a moment….


You are in the situation where money is no longer a worry for you and your family – which frees up head space and energy to focus on other areas


There is always money allocated for Bills when they arrive and you don’t even skip a beat before paying them


You are thriving – there is clarity, awareness and efficiency with money and you smile every time you check your bank account


You are building the greatest life possible. There is money available for lifestyle and you are regularly enjoying your heart desires


There are cash reserves in the bank – relying on Credit Cards are a thing of the past


Your relationship with money has never felt so good – you feel empowered and intentional with your decision making


There is a lightness of being and joy with how you feel about money

Apply for our FREE “Clear your money blocks” session TODAY!

Talking money workbook shown

Get your copy of the On Demand
‘Money Mindset Mastery’
Training for free today

Enter your details below.

I work with women who:


Want to learn how to be financially secure for the rest of their lives


Want to fully step into their power and transform their relationship with money


Want to become an authority with money and have courageous conversations with their partners, family and professionals to come from a place of strength and credibility


Are ready to step up and really shine the light on their finances so they can be laser focused and experience awareness, clarity and efficiency with their Money


Women who are ready to fully own their space and take inspired action on creating their greatest life possible – both personally and professionally


Women who want to start thinking – and becoming – wealthy!

If you are looking for Empowerment, Independence and Transformation – Contact me for a discovery session!

Ways I help…

    speaking talking money


    programs talking money





    Melissa. Just wanted to say ‘Thank you’ for your guidance and keeping us accountable when developing our family budget over the last few months.

    You made us stop and really look at our finances and where we are headed – as well as our spending and where we could cut down or cut out all-together.

    With your assistance we were able to set some very clear concise financial goals – that we are well on the way to achieving.

    Thanks again,

    Troy and Nicole

    Melissa is extremely knowledge and up to date with her financial and coaching guidance. Melissa transformed my life – giving me the foundations to be able to be ’money’ confident. The time I spent with Melissa was invaluable and would highly recommend you spending quality time with Melissa to help coach you into achieving your financial goals and aspirations.

    Senior Executive, International Blue-chip Company

    Working with Melissa has changed the way we feel about money. We were stuck in the cycle of just covering our repayments and never getting ahead. At first, we were apprehensive, we couldn’t see a way out, but the skills Melissa taught us, and above all her positivity and consistent encouragement have been pivotal in changing our relationship with money. We’ve been amazed at how far we’ve come in just six short months, and we’re excited to continue to work with Melissa to shape our bright future.


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